Big thanks to Flow Motion TrailBuilders, USACE, Carters Lake, Amicalola EMC and North Georgia Mountain Bike Association, and all the donations to make this project happen.

Exciting news!  Ridgeway gravity trails, Ledges and Roots & Chutes are receiving a face lift. The bottom 300 feet of Ledges is being rerouted to eliminate badly eroded and hazardous trail section It is being replaced by a 800ft reroute that will end up closer to the boat ramp. The reroute and the rest of Ledges will be improved by increasing grade and height of dirt features, adding rock in the tread for texture and creating technical trail features.The approach will be modified to lead into the trail better.

The gap jump at the bottom of Roots & Chutes has been redesigned to better reflect the expert level of the trail and it looks and rides amazingly.  

All these modifications were recommended by IMBA Trail Solutions in the IMBA Ride Center Evaluation performed last year.  

Preston York of FlowMotion TrailBuilders has been working on this project all this week and should be done by the end of Saturday, July 18.The trails will be ready to ride!

This project was funded by the generous donation from Amicalola Electric Membership Corporation and the proceeds from the Carters Lake Reloaded Enduro.

This project was made possible by NGMBA in partnership with USACE Carters Lake and FlowMotion TrailBuilders.